Saturday, September 3, 2011

The official end of an era...

A while back we decided to take a break from fostering... we needed some headspace after the loss of another litter of kittens.

A short time later some 'ethically grey' actions by the Waikato SPCA came to light, and had us seriously concerned as to whether we wanted to deal with people who could treat their staff so rudely... not to mention probably illegally.

Yesterday, at the 'grand opening' of a new pet store, I was approached by someone wearing an SPCA shirt, and it reminded me I had been meaning to make this post for a while.

Today, new information came to light that has cemented my determination NEVER to have anything to do with the Waikato branch of the SPCA again. I'm not going to go into details - it would only inflame an already 'hot' situation - but suffice to say that to find out once more how they treat those who volunteer time and space in their house to help out the animals... well... it pisses me off, frankly.

If I ever hear from them again, it will be 1,947,296 years too damned soon.

To put things into perspective... it's not that we don't want to help the animals... we just don't want to help THE PEOPLE! Our plans now turn to other animal shelters and volunteer support groups instead, who value those who give help and assistance, and respect them for it.

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