First: The last few posts, which have earned such an amazingly NEGATIVE response from some people (Thanks for your honesty though folks... it's amazing to see who was brave enough to own up to their identity, and who just decided to flame me while hiding behind an 'anonymous' name tag)... were NOT written by "Da Tigger" the better, female half of the author team of this blog. So please, next time you want to abuse someone, at least make sure you are abusing the right person! So to the lovely person who called me a 'bitch' - sorry, wrong gender. 'Bastard' would have been more appropriate, if still incorrect, thank you.
Second: These posts were NOT written with the intent of deterring fosterers... it was a warning to be aware that some of the actions taken, and decisions made, by the people in power there, were far from wise, far from fair, and more than a little rude.
Third: This blog was set up to chronicle the highs and lows of our time as fosters. It is unfortunate that a number of kittens who were fostered here managed to contract feline flu... none of our cats have it, no other cats who have visited here have it, the foster room was sterilised to hospital standards between fosters... and even the vets said it was above standard... so the accusation we somehow caused it is laughable, incorrect, and utterly insensitive. Every one of those lovely bundles was loved, and mourned. And, to make something else clear, even AFTER the last batch of fosters were put down, we were STILL asked to foster more... so if the SPCA staff - those in the know - saw us as fit fosterers, who are you, anonymous flamer, to say otherwise? (By the way, some of the information you used in your abuse has lead to an identification, you knew too much to be anyone else. -tsk tsk- Shame on you. Did you know that every time you post, your computer's IP address is tracked?)
Fourth: To clear up our standing on fostering, and 'helping all those animals' - actually, we are. We are still FIRMLY in favour of helping animals. In case there is something about this property that is somehow causing illness, we've decided NOT to foster HERE any more... we are going to help in other ways - such as fundraising and spreading awareness of the OTHER animal shelters out there... you know, the ones that have even LESS support than the SPCA... actually, you probably DON'T know, since they don't have the national exposure the SPCA enjoys. That kind of thing. And yes, even some volunteer time at the shelters if able. We still think the idea is great... we've just decided to go with those who need help even more.
Fifth: Since we decided to stop fostering for the Waikato SPCA months ago... the time is now overdue for this blog to fade out. Thanks to all those who offered suggestions and positive reinforcement during the good times, and support during the bad times, and as a previous post said... DO NOT be put off being a fosterer... if it goes well for you, the feeling is amazing. Just make sure you are prepared for the lows too... be they animal related or people related.
LASTLY: The SPCA organisations, world wide, do an UTTERLY INCREDIBLE, and mostly thankless, job and deserve your support and respect... it is simply all too human that some individuals are less than perfect at this task, causing situations that embarrass the whole. Work around them, at the end of the day there are more good people, and more good deeds done than can ever be fully appreciated. THANK YOU from us, to all those who labour on for the sake of the animals. It is our sincerest wish that your efforts are respected by those above you in the administrative chain.
The Male Half...
Second Hope
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Once more unto the brink, dear friends...
Today brings yet more examples of how a charitable public organisation, when run in a manner both ethically and morally dubious, can open their mouths and firmly insert their foot... and wonder why they get slapped for it.
It seems my last blog post regarding the Waikato SPCA prompted yet more irrational and unethical behaviour. And I regret to say, that based on their track record thus far, this post will do so too. My sincerest apologies to anyone affected by the outburst from Waikato SPCA Admin. This is about THEM BEING PLONKERS... it is in NO WAY a reflection on their excellent volunteer crew who, even in the face of adversity, get on with the mostly-thankless task of looking after the animals.
Message to those at the top of the paper-chain - if you want to raise an issue with my blog post, at least have the integrity to come to me directly. You have (or at least had... did you trash my file too, and didn't tell me about it?) my contact details... use them. Don't play piss-in-the-sand-pit games.
It seems my last blog post regarding the Waikato SPCA prompted yet more irrational and unethical behaviour. And I regret to say, that based on their track record thus far, this post will do so too. My sincerest apologies to anyone affected by the outburst from Waikato SPCA Admin. This is about THEM BEING PLONKERS... it is in NO WAY a reflection on their excellent volunteer crew who, even in the face of adversity, get on with the mostly-thankless task of looking after the animals.
Message to those at the top of the paper-chain - if you want to raise an issue with my blog post, at least have the integrity to come to me directly. You have (or at least had... did you trash my file too, and didn't tell me about it?) my contact details... use them. Don't play piss-in-the-sand-pit games.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
The official end of an era...
A while back we decided to take a break from fostering... we needed some headspace after the loss of another litter of kittens.
A short time later some 'ethically grey' actions by the Waikato SPCA came to light, and had us seriously concerned as to whether we wanted to deal with people who could treat their staff so rudely... not to mention probably illegally.
Yesterday, at the 'grand opening' of a new pet store, I was approached by someone wearing an SPCA shirt, and it reminded me I had been meaning to make this post for a while.
Today, new information came to light that has cemented my determination NEVER to have anything to do with the Waikato branch of the SPCA again. I'm not going to go into details - it would only inflame an already 'hot' situation - but suffice to say that to find out once more how they treat those who volunteer time and space in their house to help out the animals... well... it pisses me off, frankly.
If I ever hear from them again, it will be 1,947,296 years too damned soon.
To put things into perspective... it's not that we don't want to help the animals... we just don't want to help THE PEOPLE! Our plans now turn to other animal shelters and volunteer support groups instead, who value those who give help and assistance, and respect them for it.
A short time later some 'ethically grey' actions by the Waikato SPCA came to light, and had us seriously concerned as to whether we wanted to deal with people who could treat their staff so rudely... not to mention probably illegally.
Yesterday, at the 'grand opening' of a new pet store, I was approached by someone wearing an SPCA shirt, and it reminded me I had been meaning to make this post for a while.
Today, new information came to light that has cemented my determination NEVER to have anything to do with the Waikato branch of the SPCA again. I'm not going to go into details - it would only inflame an already 'hot' situation - but suffice to say that to find out once more how they treat those who volunteer time and space in their house to help out the animals... well... it pisses me off, frankly.
If I ever hear from them again, it will be 1,947,296 years too damned soon.
To put things into perspective... it's not that we don't want to help the animals... we just don't want to help THE PEOPLE! Our plans now turn to other animal shelters and volunteer support groups instead, who value those who give help and assistance, and respect them for it.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
An overnight stay...
... makes for a very quiet house!
Being kitten season, the vets have been super busy with desexing all the new kittens around, which means sometimes, some have to wait... including our fosters. They rang earlier this afternoon to say Spook had had his bits removed, and that they MIGHT be able to squeeze one of the girls through today as well, but the other 2 girls will have to wait until tomorrow. *sighs* The house seems so quiet without their constant thumping against the washhouse walls as they run and play in there, destroying the room in the process.
I missed having them all come running, little purr engines going like mad, to greet me this morning when I went in, and later again this afternoon. Going to be a sad quiet house for a while when they go back to the SPCA in a few days to find new homes. Even knowing they're only temporary guests, it's super hard not to get attached... especially with the ones who need the most work, like Spook and Mumma cat from the last lot of fosters. All that extra work to get past their fears and show them that not all human beings are bad, just makes you bond with them even more, and makes it that much harder to let go. Oh well, I guess on the up side, at least the washhouse will stay clean for longer than 5 minutes for once!
Right.. I have a lot of photos that need to be processed and put up on the blog... they are coming, as promised! So far behind! Slowly working my way through them though and will upload them as I go.
All 4 kittens now have temporary names thanks to K:
The black boy is of course Spook, who will lick, purr, lay on his back in my arms and cuddle for ages, and has definitely become the most cuddliest of the 4.. such a turnaround! However, he still freaks out easily when he and the others are out of the washhouse for their play time, and when he hears/sees something unfamiliar. Definitely need to take any big changes nice and slow with him.
Then there's his pretty black and white sister, now nicknamed Boots (coz of her pretty white boots..well DUH.. lol!). She is the most aloof of the 4.. doesn't mind being patted, and will happily start purring if you start stroking her, but she's not keen on being picked up for cuddles, and loses interest in any attention a lot quicker than the others. I will have the other 3 crowding around me, demanding attention, and little Boots is sitting there in the background, purring, but just watching and not attempting to come any closer.
The darker/smaller of the two tabby girls is Tabitha, who is cheeky, playful, and a right wee terror! She doesn't mind cuddles (and in fact will sit and miaow at me behind the door if I go into the toilet in the washhouse and shut the door. I'm thinking little Tabs is definitely a people cat!), and has no problems at all with a noisy, fast moving, chatterbox of a 2yr old wanting to chase her and pick her up for cuddles and kisses regularly. She absolutely loves the rougher stroking too, and having the base of her tail patted firmly (I'm met quite a few dogs who like this, but not many cats), and will in fact lean up into it. This gorgeous girl would do just fine in a family home with young, boisterous kids I reckon!
And last of all, the bigger/lighter tabby girl is now Perky... she's always so alert (looking for mischief to get into, I suspect!). Still definitely the most placid of the 4, this girl is also quite happy now to be picked up and cuddled, and will start purring the moment I come in the door. Although she is fine with our 2 yr old around her, she does go rather wide eyed if he's moving fast (whereas Tabitha doesn't really seem to freak at that at all), but stays happy and relaxed if he stays gentle and moves slowly. So like Tabs, she'd probably be fine in a family home, but better suited to one with older calmer children.
And now, for just a few quick photos to tide you over until I get the rest processed:
I'll try and get some more photos sorted over the next few days.
Being kitten season, the vets have been super busy with desexing all the new kittens around, which means sometimes, some have to wait... including our fosters. They rang earlier this afternoon to say Spook had had his bits removed, and that they MIGHT be able to squeeze one of the girls through today as well, but the other 2 girls will have to wait until tomorrow. *sighs* The house seems so quiet without their constant thumping against the washhouse walls as they run and play in there, destroying the room in the process.
I missed having them all come running, little purr engines going like mad, to greet me this morning when I went in, and later again this afternoon. Going to be a sad quiet house for a while when they go back to the SPCA in a few days to find new homes. Even knowing they're only temporary guests, it's super hard not to get attached... especially with the ones who need the most work, like Spook and Mumma cat from the last lot of fosters. All that extra work to get past their fears and show them that not all human beings are bad, just makes you bond with them even more, and makes it that much harder to let go. Oh well, I guess on the up side, at least the washhouse will stay clean for longer than 5 minutes for once!
Right.. I have a lot of photos that need to be processed and put up on the blog... they are coming, as promised! So far behind! Slowly working my way through them though and will upload them as I go.
All 4 kittens now have temporary names thanks to K:
The black boy is of course Spook, who will lick, purr, lay on his back in my arms and cuddle for ages, and has definitely become the most cuddliest of the 4.. such a turnaround! However, he still freaks out easily when he and the others are out of the washhouse for their play time, and when he hears/sees something unfamiliar. Definitely need to take any big changes nice and slow with him.
Then there's his pretty black and white sister, now nicknamed Boots (coz of her pretty white boots..well DUH.. lol!). She is the most aloof of the 4.. doesn't mind being patted, and will happily start purring if you start stroking her, but she's not keen on being picked up for cuddles, and loses interest in any attention a lot quicker than the others. I will have the other 3 crowding around me, demanding attention, and little Boots is sitting there in the background, purring, but just watching and not attempting to come any closer.
The darker/smaller of the two tabby girls is Tabitha, who is cheeky, playful, and a right wee terror! She doesn't mind cuddles (and in fact will sit and miaow at me behind the door if I go into the toilet in the washhouse and shut the door. I'm thinking little Tabs is definitely a people cat!), and has no problems at all with a noisy, fast moving, chatterbox of a 2yr old wanting to chase her and pick her up for cuddles and kisses regularly. She absolutely loves the rougher stroking too, and having the base of her tail patted firmly (I'm met quite a few dogs who like this, but not many cats), and will in fact lean up into it. This gorgeous girl would do just fine in a family home with young, boisterous kids I reckon!
And last of all, the bigger/lighter tabby girl is now Perky... she's always so alert (looking for mischief to get into, I suspect!). Still definitely the most placid of the 4, this girl is also quite happy now to be picked up and cuddled, and will start purring the moment I come in the door. Although she is fine with our 2 yr old around her, she does go rather wide eyed if he's moving fast (whereas Tabitha doesn't really seem to freak at that at all), but stays happy and relaxed if he stays gentle and moves slowly. So like Tabs, she'd probably be fine in a family home, but better suited to one with older calmer children.
And now, for just a few quick photos to tide you over until I get the rest processed:
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Lil Spook, Boots, Tabitha (at the back), and Perky Just hanging out on their new favourite perch. |
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Spook and Boots Such a handsome pair! |
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Sisters at play Boots and Perky |
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Boots and Perky again |
I'll try and get some more photos sorted over the next few days.
Monday, April 4, 2011
They shall return, a little less than when they left...
Well, this morning was a VERY early start for me... I had to get up and take our little fuzzy visitors off to the vet to get de-sexed. Two of them went into the carry boxes without fuss, but little Spooky and the darker tabby (who I have nicknamed "Tabitha" because sometimes she's a wicked little witch) did NOT wish to go quietly unto that dark box... as the welts on my wrist attest to.
Anyways, they eventually got boxed and shipped, trying to chew their way out of the box the whole journey...
Collection time will be sometime after 2pm today... we'll see just how frisky and bouncy they are now.
Anyways, they eventually got boxed and shipped, trying to chew their way out of the box the whole journey...
Collection time will be sometime after 2pm today... we'll see just how frisky and bouncy they are now.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
In a moment of inspiration last night, T recalled we still had the old cat tower out in the garage. We figured our two cats are such outdoor cats nowdays, it was a shame not to put it to good use... so in it came and was placed in the 'Foster Zone'.
It took a long time for the kittens to get used to it... all of a few seconds until they were gleefully testing the rope poles out for climbing, and half an hour later, after much exercise on their part, we entered to the room to find them all curled up fast asleep in their new playpad. No more blanket-lined cardboard boxes for these little tykes. ;)
On another note... little Spook now only keeps his nickname as a sideways joke regarding his colour... he doesn't shy away from sudden movements or attempts at strokes any more... totally settled and more than willing to rev up the 2-stroke purr motor any time a hand even hints at coming near him. Today, he happily settled back on the top layer of the tower and licked my fingers for almost 10 minutes before the tickles became too much for me and I had to pull away. -lol-
The fuzzbuckets don't know it yet, but they are booked in for desexing next Tuesday... I sure hope they will forgive us for this horrendous betrayal of their biological rights... but it won't change a thing if they don't.
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Checkin' out da new crib... |
It took a long time for the kittens to get used to it... all of a few seconds until they were gleefully testing the rope poles out for climbing, and half an hour later, after much exercise on their part, we entered to the room to find them all curled up fast asleep in their new playpad. No more blanket-lined cardboard boxes for these little tykes. ;)
On another note... little Spook now only keeps his nickname as a sideways joke regarding his colour... he doesn't shy away from sudden movements or attempts at strokes any more... totally settled and more than willing to rev up the 2-stroke purr motor any time a hand even hints at coming near him. Today, he happily settled back on the top layer of the tower and licked my fingers for almost 10 minutes before the tickles became too much for me and I had to pull away. -lol-
The fuzzbuckets don't know it yet, but they are booked in for desexing next Tuesday... I sure hope they will forgive us for this horrendous betrayal of their biological rights... but it won't change a thing if they don't.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
What a difference a weekend makes...
This weekend I had to scoot off to a camp with Mr10's Cub troup. Before I left I had a chance to play with our foster furballs, and as usual, Spook was more willing to hide than play. I am not sure why, but these kittens seem to be somewhat androphobic (scared of males) as they react far better to my partner than to me or our boys. (OK, the kids I can somewhat understand - noise, fast movements, rough handling, etc).
Upon my return, I was regaled with tales of how much progress had been made... but even so, it was a surprise this morning when I climbed out of the shower and found that as well as the usual 'three girls want to play in the shower box' situation, little Spook came wandering over and not only willingly walked up to me and sniffed my hand, but then started to rub his cheeks against my fingers, then sidle side-on so I could stroke his back.
His little 2-stroke purr motor was going full-volume within seconds and he was loving the back scratches, with his back legs up on tip-toes and rather forceful shovings making sure I scratched right where he wanted it. HUGE progress indeed!
Seems there are very promising signs of hope for him after all... I was worried he wouldn't show signs of socialising before the decision had to be made whether to invest in de-sexing or not bother on the grounds he probably wouldn't be adoptable. Chances are looking good that he'll go to the vet and return "2 stones lighter" and thus be eligible for adoption by a loving, gentle family or a retired person/couple. I still don't think he'll be suited for a rough'n'tumble household.
Upon my return, I was regaled with tales of how much progress had been made... but even so, it was a surprise this morning when I climbed out of the shower and found that as well as the usual 'three girls want to play in the shower box' situation, little Spook came wandering over and not only willingly walked up to me and sniffed my hand, but then started to rub his cheeks against my fingers, then sidle side-on so I could stroke his back.
His little 2-stroke purr motor was going full-volume within seconds and he was loving the back scratches, with his back legs up on tip-toes and rather forceful shovings making sure I scratched right where he wanted it. HUGE progress indeed!
Seems there are very promising signs of hope for him after all... I was worried he wouldn't show signs of socialising before the decision had to be made whether to invest in de-sexing or not bother on the grounds he probably wouldn't be adoptable. Chances are looking good that he'll go to the vet and return "2 stones lighter" and thus be eligible for adoption by a loving, gentle family or a retired person/couple. I still don't think he'll be suited for a rough'n'tumble household.
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