Today brings yet more examples of how a charitable public organisation, when run in a manner both ethically and morally dubious, can open their mouths and firmly insert their foot... and wonder why they get slapped for it.
It seems my last blog post regarding the Waikato SPCA prompted yet more irrational and unethical behaviour. And I regret to say, that based on their track record thus far, this post will do so too. My sincerest apologies to anyone affected by the outburst from Waikato SPCA Admin. This is about THEM BEING PLONKERS... it is in NO WAY a reflection on their excellent volunteer crew who, even in the face of adversity, get on with the mostly-thankless task of looking after the animals.
Message to those at the top of the paper-chain - if you want to raise an issue with my blog post, at least have the integrity to come to me directly. You have (or at least had... did you trash my file too, and didn't tell me about it?) my contact details... use them. Don't play piss-in-the-sand-pit games.
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